This Island Earth was produced by William Alland and directed by Joseph Newman. Franklin Coen and Edward G. O'Callaghan's screenplay was based on the novel, The Alien Machine, by Raymond F. Jones. Rex Reason plays atomic scientist Dr. Cal Mitchum. Faith Domergue is Dr. Ruth Adams and Russell L. Johnson is Steve Carlson. Jeff Morrow plays Exeter. Regis Parton played the mutant! Mitchum builds an "interociter" He is flown to Georgia to join a group of scientists attempting to harness atomic power. Mitchum and Adams escape in a small plane, but the craft is pulled into a departing flying saucer. They reach Metalluna a planet at war with the Zahgons. Full of scientific foibles and technical improbabilities but visually stunning. Rated number three on the 10 Best List.
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