"Getting it right means that some 1,000 hours of labor go into each car, as opposed to 65 to 100 hours embodied in the conventional Detroit product." - Newsweek Magazine
"Someone should tell Nate Altman that he is doing it all wrong. That it is impossible for anyone to be hand-building sinfully exciting automobiles in this sterile age of mass production.: - Gallery Magazine
"If it takes 20 minutes or 2 hours for one task, that is how long it takes. Try it in Detroit and you would be thrown out as a reactionary. Anything that isn't perfect is fixed or replaced." - Motor Trend Magazine
"Some people in South Bend, Indiana still think Nathan D. Altman is crazy. He has resurrected a ghost car, a loser before its death, and turned it into one of the world's most desirable automobiles." - Esquire Magazine