Avanti Magazine
Issue 193
Winter/Spring 2021
On the cover of Avanti Magazine Issue 193 : The 1983 Avanti RQB-3694 belonging to Wisconsin member Bill Kuespert is a fulfillment of his dream since high school. Aquired in March 2013 it is the March featured car in our 2021 calendar.
Open the Avanti Magazine Cover Gallery Avanti Magazine has been published continuously by AOAI (Avanti Owners Association International) since the 1970s.
Covers 137 to present Back issues can be ordered from Cornerstone Registration Ltd. at
backissues@aoai.org. Click this link to subscribe to the magazine:
Sample Avanti Magazines

On the cover: The 1983 Avanti RQB-3694 belonging to Wisconsin member Bill Kuespert,
Covers 137 to present

On the back cover: The Mercedes Foundation of France, along with Mercedes, was the first Western European corporation to honor native son Raymond Loewy in 1987 for his iconic designs, one year after his passing.

Looking Forward: Palm Springs is both the spiritual and literal home of the mid-century Studebaker Avanti.